Thursday, March 29, 2012

Training and Jamming at WMC

Jeremy Finlayson our tech and repair trainer might have left to go back to the big smoke but that doesn't mean training stops.
Jeff McLaughlin one of the main trainers associated with Winanjjikari since it's inception, producer of many a WMC album is back on hand to put the staff through a Protools recording intensive with Zaddock Johnson, Tyrone Dixon and Brenden Hines.

Brenden rehearsing songs for his up and coming album.

Zaddock on the desk using his newly acquired recording skills.

Brenden Hines, Zaddock Johnson and visitor.

Zaddock on drums.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WMC and BRA.

Winanjjikari's mothership Barkly Regional Arts AGM. 
Georgina, BRA board chair and Alan Murn BRA executive officer.

Staff and board members turn out for the BRA AGM at Nyinkka Nyunyu Aboriginal Culture Centre.
Back at home base: Jnr Raymond (visitor), Tyrone Dixon, Mark Raymond (visitor ex-Kulumindini Band), Robert Dixon (visitor ex-Kulumindini), and Brenden Hines. 

Dirk Dickenson manning the desk.

Bye tech trainer Jeremy Finlayson, until next time from all the WMC crew.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The last week of training with Jeremy Finlayson

Lionel James from  Ali Curung jamming with Tyrone Dixon and Brenden Hines.  

 Jordan Newcastle and Dirk Dickenson on the desk.

Working in the studio, trainer Jeremy Finlayson, Zaddock Johnson and Brenden Hines.

Jordan Newcastle and Brian Morton recording in the studio.

Dirk Dickenson doing studio sound check on drums.
Zaddock, Brian and Dirk in the studio.

Jeremy working with Brenden on his album using Pro Tools  in the WMC office space.

Terrance Limerick in training with Isaac Phua, new media hub officer filming the training.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Live sound emanating from Drovers Hall.

Jeremy Finlayson, Tyrone Dixon, Jordan Newcastle.

Jordan Newcastle, Liam Dixon (visitor), Tyrone Dixon, Jnr Dickenson (visitor).

Brenden Hines, Liam Dixon (visitor), Tyrone Dixon, Jordan Newcastle.

Robert and Liam Dixon (visitors) with Tyrone Dixon (Yes; father and two son's) Brenden Hines.

Brian Morton, Tyrone Dixon, Zaddock Johnson, Jordan Newcastle.

Doing speaker repairs (not related to the jams)
Dirk Dickenson with trainer Jeremy Finlayson.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Live sound set up @ Drovers Hall

Stuff hanging around.

Stuff being moved around.
Brian Morton, Jordan Newcastle and Jeremy Finlayson.
Jeremy and Brian Morton.

Stuff being swept up by Leslie Thompson. 

Things taking form.

A sound desk being plugged in.
Terrance Limerick, Trainer Jeremy Finlayson, Dirk Dickenson and Jordan Newcastle.

Are we ready! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Live sound training Drovers Hall, WMC.

Trainer Jeremy Finlayson with Dirk dickenson at Winanjjikari's Drovers Hall. 

Jordan Newcastle.

Terrance Limerick, Jeremy, Dirk and Jordan doing some live sound training.

T.L, Jeremy, Dirk and Jordan with Brian Morton looking on.

The workers with the Live rig in the back ground.

Jeremy, Dirk, Brenden Hindes and Tyrone Dixon.

Setting the mic's: Trainer Jeremy Finlayson, Brian Morton and Dirk Dickenson.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Because sometimes grown men need to play with Lego.

Trainer Jeremy Finlayson has developed another way of showing how sound works. Above is a sound desk, speakers, front line, drum fill and a drum kit all in Lego.

Add a projector, a white board with visual moving sound a unique an innovative way of learning has been developed.   

While in the studio Zaddock Johnson and Jordan Newcastle work on Winanjjikari All Star tracks.

Dirk Dickenson soldering while training with Jeremy.