Thursday, December 8, 2011

Utopia Music Festival. Part 2

Sandover Gospel Band opened the Festival Day the 3rd of December.

With a welcome to country and a traditional dance from the ladies,

The evening was beautiful and the rain held off.

The Tableland Drifters.

Joe Davey, Lex holt, Lester Peterson and Angus Pearson.

With Brendan Hines on desk tutoring Terrance Limerick.

The Sandover Band.

Barnabas from The Tjupi Band.

The famous Sammy Butcher on guitar. The Tjupi Band.

The dancers in full flight. A fantastic time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. it was awesome to be able to dance and have fun but hey i gotta say "girls from Engawala rocked the night away."
